11:43 AM


I played basketball today and it was really fun the only problem was that I was the only girl. I stole the ball a kople times but when ever I tried to shoot I always mist. I was very horrible. At least I tried.

5:53 PM

I was trying to practice voice(singing lessons) with my friends but I kept on giggling at something one of my friends had told my earlier. We had to keep on starting over. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am a dope.

12:13 PM


I am going to public SCHOOL. I was being home schooled before and this is getting so boring that my many(few(about 4)people are going to be bored out of there minds. :D I am wondering why nothing interesting happens to me? Could YOU tell me why? please. :(

3:36 PM

MATH and other

MATH is Sooooooo mean to people! I am serious it is so mean. I wish I could flush it down the toilet. I am sorry for being so negative so I will talk about something worth talking about :). I went to Archaboulds for dinner. It was very nice and I got to go with all my friends. So let's just say I am advertising this wonderful food place that you SHOULD go to :D

8:14 AM

NOTHING to say

I really have nothing to say. I am bored and I am still sick so I guess I will have to die.

7:06 PM

I wast tagged by DON DON DON The Amazing JT

candy/sweet: Syphany bar and sweetish fish

movie: Transformers(that's the only movie I could think of)
color: grey-blue
accessory: earrings :D
piece of clothing: huh?
thing to do: sing, make jewelry, play sports, hang with BFFLs, and read
quote: let me find one real quick ;)
food: cucumber (yum)
book: Shadow Children series, The Fablehaven series, and The Forgotten Warrior!
word: Holy Cow
name: Elizabeth Pena :D
piece of jewelry: earrings
TV show: Wizards Of Waverly Place

6:01 PM

Fishys DIE

I feel like feeding my fish till they grow fat and pop! Who agrees that I should do that? The only problem is that they DON'T die. :(

11:28 AM


I am sick! My whole body hurts and I have a big headache. My nose is runny and I want to throw up. Should I go any farther? ........... HELP ME! uggg I guess I am going to be reading The Hobbit in my bed. BYE.

10:06 AM


Thanks Giving is here( ALMOST). I can't wait to eat mashed potatoes and gravy!

WOW thats one PLUMP turkey!